About Us

Association of Ophthalmologists Specialist Indemnity Scheme Limited (AOOSIS)

The Board meet regularly to discuss developments in the sector, share best practice and carry out their statutory duties and responsibilities as company directors.
  • To be available to give advice to potential new policy holders
  • To support policy holders who are in difficulty with medicolegal cases
  • To set a code of practice for policy holders to adhere to as closely as possible
  • To advise brokers and underwriters on the relative risk of different aspects of clinical practice
  • To try to reduce premium costs by appropriate risk management
  • To communicate with members by newsletters, webinars and meetings.
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Watch our webinars

Explore our collection of webinars. With the latest GMC guidelines on consent?
Challenges in private healthcare in the post-COVID era

The board talk to FIPO about patient volumes, PMI, virtual clinics and the MPAF and its impact on practice

Watch Full Webinar Challenges in private healthcare in the post-COVID era
Surgical consent in Ophthalmology

We discuss surgical consent in Ophthalmology and whether pooled lists are compatible with the latest General Medical Council (GMC) guidelines on consent?

Watch Full Webinar Challenges in private healthcare in the post-COVID era
Rugby: insights from a player and medical perspective

James Robson MBE, Team Doctor for Scotland Rugby, Keith Bates, Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, and Ben Challacombe, Consultant Urological Surgeon, share their insight of working with sportsmen and sportswomen at a club, professional and international level.

Watch Full Webinar Challenges in private healthcare in the post-COVID era

Meet the Board

We discuss surgical consent in Ophthalmology and whether pooled lists are compatible with the latest General Medical Council (GMC) guidelines on consent?
Keith Bates

MA, FRCS (London), FRCOphth Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon Chairman AOOSIS Board

Keith Bates

MA, FRCS (London), FRCOphth Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon Chairman AOOSIS Board

Bio: Keith trained in Oxford and at Moorfields and was a Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon at Taunton and Somerset NHSFT from 1992 until 2018. He was Clinical Director for the Specialist Surgery Division for 6 years. He has published widely on cornea, cataract and refractive surgery. He has presented papers and been involved in courses at RCO, UKISCRS, ESCRS, ASCRS and AAO annual congresses.

He now principally runs a busy medico legal practice but is also an ophthalmic advisor to a leading Private Medical Insurer and to the GMC. This gives him a broad insight into current ophthalmic medico legal issues in the UK. He joined the board of AOOSIS in 2013 and took over the role of Chairman in 2017. He has helped to streamline the system for assessing the risk associated with different types of private medical practice and helped to provide fairer premiums for areas of ophthalmology previously considered to be high risk. He liaises regularly with brokers and insurers to achieve high quality cover for AOOSIS members at a reasonable cost.

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Richard Packard

MD DO FRCS FRCOphth FEBOS-CR Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon President AOOSIS

Richard Packard

MD DO FRCS FRCOphth FEBOS-CR Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon President AOOSIS

Bio: Richard was senior consultant at Arnott Eye Associates in London until 2020. He was a consultant surgeon at the Prince Charles Eye Unit in Windsor from 1982-2016 and has been involved with teaching cataract surgery and developing instruments and IOLs and has lectured in over 60 countries. He has been in private practice since 1981 in London and Berkshire and was Chairman of the Association of Ophthalmologists from 2007-2011.

Since 2007 he has been involved with the Federation of Independent Practitioner Organisations and since 2010 had been its Deputy Chairman. He is now FIPO Chairman. He was involved in providing evidence for the CMA report on private practice and the ramifications of this for the profession. He was the founding member of AOOSIS in 2012 and its first Chairman. He is now AOOSIS president.

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Sid Goel

FRCOphth. PGDipCRS, Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon

Sid Goel

FRCOphth. PGDipCRS, Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon

Bio: Sid has been a Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon since 2008. His practice is divided between his NHS role at the Hull Eye Hospital and a busy independent practice based in the North of England - The Eye Correction Centre, of which he is the founder director.

He has served/continues to serve in numerous Regional/National roles including: Examiner for the Royal College of Ophthalmologists part 2 and LRSCert examinations (2020 onwards), Clinical lead for the private patient board of Lindsey Private Patients (2018 – 2019), Clinical lead for Ophthalmology at St Hugh’s private hospital (2017 onwards), Member of the Council of Governors of the Northern Lincolnshire & Goole NHS trust (2015 to 2017), Committee member of the United Kingdom and Ireland Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, and lead for the young ophthalmologists subcommittee (2013-2018). He joined the Board of AOOSIS in 2017.

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Stephanie West

BM FRCOphth MBA Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon

Stephanie West

BM FRCOphth MBA Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon

Bio: Stephanie is a Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon at Southampton University Foundation trust; she has held this position since 2013 during which time she has been Deputy Clinical Lead and Clinical Lead for the department.

After graduating from Southampton University Medical School, Miss West completed specialist ophthalmology training in the highly regarded centres of Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham and The Bristol Eye Hospital. She subsequently undertook two years of subspecialty training in paediatric ophthalmology and strabismus including a prestigious fellowship at Sickkids, Toronto, for which she was awarded the JD Morin prize for best fellow. Her second fellowship was at Moorfields Eye Hospital, gaining extensive knowledge and training in treating children’s eye diseases and oculomotility conditions. She now leads the tertiary oculomotility service in Southampton. She is also responsible for instigating the now renowned Southampton CESR training program. She has a MBA with distinction from Warwick Business School.

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Niall Patton

MD, FRCOphth Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon

Niall Patton

MD, FRCOphth Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon

Bio: Niall is a Consultant Vitreoretinal Surgeon at the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital. He is also Director of the Manchester Vitreoretinal Fellowship Program, training many fellows both national and international. He graduated in Medicine from the University of Manchester in 1996. He completed his ophthalmic surgical training at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital and the Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion, Edinburgh. In addition, he has undertaken specialist Vitreoretinal fellowship training at the Lions Eye Institute, Australia, Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion, Edinburgh, Tennant Eye Institute, Glasgow and Moorfields Eye Hospital, London. He was appointed as a Consultant at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital in 2008.

He has published over 70 peer-reviewed publications, and serves on the editorial board of the “Eye” journal and is active in the vitreoretinal research department at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital. He lectures nationally and internationally and has been actively engaged in medico legal work since his appointment as a consultant.

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Mayank A. Nanavaty

MBBS, DO, FRCOphth, PhD, cataract, cornea and refractive surgery Consultant

Mayank A. Nanavaty

MBBS, DO, FRCOphth, PhD, cataract, cornea and refractive surgery Consultant

Bio: He is cataract, cornea and refractive surgery Consultant at the Sussex Eye Hospital, University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust, Brighton and honorary senior clinical lecturer at the Brighton & Sussex Medical School. His areas of clinical interests are medical and surgical cornea, external eye disease, cataract, and refractive surgery. He has received several research grants from the prestigious institutions (such as ESCRS, NIHR, etc.) and industry to conduct clinical studies. He consistently contributes to the academia with his publications and has several publications including prospective randomized controlled trials, Cochrane review, case-control studies, cohort studies and retrospective studies in high impact peer-review literature and over 300 national and international presentations.

He is a section editor of Eye and is a member of editorial board of Current Eye Research and International journal of keratoconus and ectatic corneal disease (IJKECD).

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